Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Going-Ons are Going On

With the recognition that I really no have no opinions worthy of sharing, we move to the great blight of blogging: personal reflection. Wait! Repress the gag reflex. As most of our readership is fratastic in the same way I am and being president dominates my calender (aside from the time I spend at my second part-time job, impregnating women who find genetic engineering abhorrent but want that top notch DNA), these "personal reflections" could be more aptly labelled "Oh sweet Jesus, why did I let you assholes vote me into presidency...I mean, here's what's going on with your old chapter." At least I can provide a break from that pearl-necklaced bastard Vince's proselytizing with fraternal anecdotes and non-sequitar links.

Soooo, let's see. Non-sequitar link... mmm pogo sticks, I smell party theme.

and anecdotes to be created soon. All I really need to say is: Summer of Richard. I'll do you proud, Gizmo. Vicarious experience of undergraduate hedonism for all!

I'll head off now with my current leadership propagandato recharge my waning motivation cells and keep my eye on the prize, as soon as I figure out what the fucking prize is and present it to my vassals.


At 10:42 AM, June 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let the Summer of Dick begin.

I found this at the same site as your pogo stick:

Awesome Party Tip #38

"Talk under the din." If you are at a loud party and find yourself shouting louder and louder just to talk to people, begin speaking "under the noise." What is happening is that the voices in the room are competing in the same frequency range - so that people raise their volume and their pitch when they feel they can't be heard. They shout in high voices. All you have to do is not compete. Talk in a quieter, deeper voice, and you will be heard easily. Try it. You will be shocked at how easy it is to talk under the din.

Try it out for me.

P.S. Where can I apply for your second part-time job?

At 11:11 PM, June 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i you can top my bringing of icehouse and black people to the fraternity we shall all be very proud of you.


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