Tuesday, April 04, 2006


This may or may not be the greatest thing ever. If I had a yard, I would totally buy this thing....too bad that I have not seen grass in 6 months

The Lawn Chair

I implore that one of you with a yard buy this thing and use it, and then invite me over to see it. I will fly in, I swear.


At 2:49 PM, April 04, 2006, Blogger JM said...

That would be quite useful. However, how do you mow it?

At 5:10 PM, April 04, 2006, Blogger sdvknsdvkn said...

Can you do that with empty keystone light boxes???

At 9:54 PM, April 04, 2006, Blogger GIZMO said...

of course you can. chi phi should put one in the pool made of keystone, and regrow the grass. I would donate money for that.

At 3:43 PM, April 05, 2006, Blogger Richard said...

We've done it. Send a check.


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