Thursday, November 10, 2005

Like sand through the hourglass...

This might be the second time I've made a hokey daytime soap allusion, but oh how I adore them. In an effort to add even more levity to this epic clash of gender-specific triumvirates, I'll be compiling pictures (especially from this weekend. Vince, be on your A--is-for-asshole-game) to undermine our stance that men are intelligent. However, if possible, we should attempt to get some stills of women willingly including themselves in our idiocy. Well, "willing" is a tertiary goal after actually meeting women (primary) and talking to them (secondary).

As the Id, I by no means want to induce the ire of the fairer sex, because, hell, angry pants don't come undone. So, to show that I stand firmly behind an equitable distribution of respect and power between those with XY's and those with XX's, here's a shot that epitomizes the mutual respect my girlfriend, Sarah, and I have for each other and how this manifests itself in our daily interactions:

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Love that cowlick. More to come, but those of the Triumvirate together are at home.


At 3:53 PM, November 10, 2005, Blogger JM said...

A very soap opera shot, as in the case of most soap operas, no matter what the guy does, his hair is always perfect.

At 4:06 PM, November 10, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are the archetypal badass. This was absolutely brilliant.

It's on this weekend... the debauchery commences Friday night.


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