Thursday, July 20, 2006

Deja vú

Because it's almost election time, this is news. Again. Guess I better tell you what's up. Again.

There are exactly two reasons why a person would be in favor of embryonic stem cell research.
  1. They are naive.
  2. They have an agenda.

The first applies to most Americans in support of ESCR. The most they know about the issue is what they hear repeated ad nauseum in the MSM. Allow me to paraphrase:

"Scientists say these stem cells will cure Parkinsons, Alzheimers, and bring about world peace; religious zealouts disagree."

So for the naive, it comes down to a science vs. religion thing, and we all know what the Average Joe will choose when the question is framed that way. How about a big "Fuck you very much" to the Enlightenment for that one?

However, these people are ultimately inconsequential to the debate. Those who are relevant are those who know the truth, but continue to support ESCR anyway - those with an agenda.

And a pretty thinly veiled one it is, at that. Of what benefit is it in being able to redefine (or undefine?) personhood at its earliest stages of existence? Gee, let me think...

As of now, abortion in itself is about the closest thing you can get to a guaranteed loser at the voter booth. Put it to ballot, and unlimited abortion fails miserably. The right to kill-ers know this, and so they are forced to come up with more and more subtle ways of convincing people that they are not committing murder when they kill their own children.

(Obviously, the first thing that comes to mind is the contraception culture that has by now been adopted almost unanimously. That alone is a HUGE victory for abortion advocates, but it is also a not the topic at hand).

See how subtle this sound... "An embryo is a ball of cells. Scientists create and destroy embryos for the purpose of research that will one day lead to "miracle cures". Unfortunately, sometimes embryos are created accidentally, albeit naturally in women. Doctors have the ability to destroy these unwanted embryos, or what they have grown into, while they are still in the womb."

You see what has happened. Most of the argument is one that is already currently in existence. The difference is that its normally dour undertones have been sugar coated. No longer is abortion just an unfortunate occurence; now it's actually beneficial to all of mankind when performed under the right set of circumstances!

So that's the method. It's easy enough to understand, sure. Still, I don't for a secong pretend to know the first thing about the madness - about why someone would advocate abortion in the first place. The whole concept is so repulsive, so inhumane, so foreign to human dignity, that it really is no wonder that those cultures that have fully embraced it are dying. Not only dying, but killing themselves.

The question is, will we learn the lesson?

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At 12:56 PM, July 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arun, my response, totally in earnest:

What the fuck are you talking about? The chinaman is not the issue here, dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, dude. Across this line, you DO NOT...

Think about it.

At 3:06 AM, August 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.


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