Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Up, up, and away.

As many of you know, my brother went off and enlisted in the Navy after he graduated from high school. He's been up at Great Lakes for basic the last couple months. His graduation ceremony is on Friday morning, so I'm flying up to Chicago tomorrow to see him officially become a Sailor. Go, John.

It's going to be a fucking cold weekend.

Back Sunday afternoon, so I'll catch you all on Monday.

While I'm gone, here is reading material, regarding Wikipedia's credibility in the world of academia.



At 9:21 AM, November 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's great to share in common with you that we both have a brother who is a seaman.

At 2:58 PM, November 03, 2006, Blogger Brian said...

congrats to your bro, toony.

my brother is a siy-man also.

wah wah wah wahhhhhh


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